| Linda Richardson
Born locally in the small village of Little Bardfield, North West Essex Linda moved to the beautiful Shetland Isles in October 2016. Her home and studio are in Voe, on the hillside overlooking Olnafirth.
Artists Statement
I have always been inspired by my immediate environment, especially the wildlife. A keen gardener, plants provide a source of inspiration too. I have a very soft spot for cats and chickens which have featured in my work over the years. Shetland has wildlife in abundance. The ever changing weather and shoreline present a wealth of subject matter.
As a painter I work in watercolour or acrylic. I also create mixed media pieces using wax crayon and watercolour. My printmaking encompasses etching and linocuts.
Previously a part time tutor in adult education, I have taught classes in drawing and painting and workshops on lino cutting and printing.